Engagement + Tactical Placemaking for Boston Housing Authority Beautification
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Client: JP Centre/South Main Streets (JPCSMS)
Year: 2023
Project Team
Boston Housing Authority (BHA) Staff
South Street Youth Center (SSYC)
JP Centre/South Main Streets (JPCSMS) identified Boston Housing Authority (BHA) South Street apartments as a gap in the Main Streets district, lacking activation and activity. Civic Space Collaborative (CSC) provided community engagement services to identify public realm improvements at 125 South Street.
CSC collaborated with the teens at the South Street Youth Center (SSYC), a youth center at the apartment complex, to conduct a site assessment, brainstorm concepts for improvements, and create image boards for a survey to use at on-site engagement.
CSC engaged community members at three community events: Unity Day, Hot Dog Day, and Halloween. At these events, CSC spoke with attendees about their preferred improvements as shown on the image board, encouraged voting on their favorite ideas, and labeled a map with potential project locations. JPCSMS polled local businesses about their preferences. There was also an online survey to gather feedback from BHA residents.
Throughout the process, CSC met with the project stakeholders to discuss what information had been collected and then worked with the group on other opportunities for engagement to ensure we heard from BHA residents. As a response to the project stakeholder’s feedback, CSC planned a Halloween event with a temporary tactical placemaking installation. The installation included planters, seating, and a colorful crosswalk, which were preferred site improvements identified in the previous engagement. The event pop-up helped show residents what the space could look like.
The data gathered provides insight into what improvements the residents want and will guide JPCSMS and the BHA’s next steps to develop feasible projects.