Plazas, Parklets and Pop-Ups In the Public Realm
Panel Discussion
Client: A Better City
Year: 2019
Project Team + Panelists
A Better City (event planning + organizing)
STREETPLANS (Keynote Speaker)
City of Boston
JP Centre / South Main Street
Neighborways Design
Merritt Chase
Toole Design
*Work completed at A Better City
The “Plazas, Parklets, and Pop-Ups In The Public Realm” event brought together a cross-section of city staff, nonprofit leaders, and designers to present on tactical placemaking projects from around the Boston area. The panelists included:
Green Street Parklet: Jamaica Plain presented by Ginger Brown, Executive Director, JP Centre / South Main Street
Neighborways Community Based Pavement Painting presented by Mark Chase, Founder/Project Manager, Neighborways Design
Birch Street Plaza: Roslindale Village by Nina Chase, Principal & Co-Founder, Merritt Chase (unable to attend due to weather. Presented by Jacob Wessel)
Tactical Urbanism 2020 presented by Mike Lydon, Principal, STREETPLANS Keynote Speaker
Mathtalk Aha! See Math Everywhere by Omo Moses, Founder, MathTalk (unable to attend due to weather. Presented by Michelle Moon of A Better City)
Bringing Life to Streets presented by Jessica Robertson, Associate, Utile
Plazas Downtown Boston presented by Jacob Wessel, Public Realm Director, City of Boston
Gove Street Crossing: East Boston presented by Stephanie Weyer, Landscape Architect, Toole Design