Gove Street Pop-Up
East Boston, Massachusetts
Client: Friends of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway
Year: 2019
Project Categories: Design, Pop-Up + Seasonal Spaces
Project Team
Friends of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway
Boston Society of Landscape Architects (Design Commission Lead)
Selection Committee
Toole Design (Designer)
Boston Parks Department
Boston Transportation Department
Gove Street Citizen Association
Jefferies Point Citizen Association
As part of Civic Space Collaborative's ongoing work with the Friends of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway we partnered with the Boston Society of Landscape Architects for a design challenge to improve the Gove Street Crossing on the East Boston Greenway. The winner of the design challenge was Toole Design to conduct a short-term installation in 2019 on Boston Parks property and a street owned by the City of Boston.
East Boston residents were engaged in the planning and design process during a drop-in session at the library, which also helped to collect and incorporate ideas from youth.
The two-day installation involved 35 residents of all ages to paint, build, and plant. The one-week pop-up plaza included several events, including a piñata party and three music concerts.