Pop-up Parks Along the Fairmount greenway
Dorchester, Mattapan, and Hyde Park, Massachusetts
Client: Fairmount Greenway Task Force
Year: 2016-Present
Project Team
Fairmount Greenway Task Force
West of Washington Coalition
Talbot Norfolk Triangle
Southwest Boston CDC
Erica Quigley / Gardens for Life (Landscape designer)
The Trust for Public Land
CSC works to secure funding, plan, design, and program pop-up parks along the Fairmount Greenway. Pop-up parks have included the following.
Pop-up Park Norwell Street | Design Concept: Civic Space Collaborative
Bike Art in Codman Square | Artist: Roy Rudder
Pop-up programs Doyle Park | Design Concept: Gardens for Life
Cleary Square: park, sidewalk, bridge art
Play Like Back in the Day in Four Corners
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